This is a term for restructuring code without affecting its behaviour, in order to make source more readable, consistent and maintainable. This can involve the renaming and re-arranging of code.
A number of refactoring options are available in Visual Studio under the '
EDIT' -- '
Refactor' menu options:
Method Extraction
Creates a new method based on a selected section of code. Variables are detected and used as the new method's parameters. Commonly used if there's a need to break a larger method into multiple smaller methods for readability or maintainability.
ReSharper: Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers. [WWW]. April 2017.
LOWY, JUVAL. 2004. Code Magazine. Issue 2004: January/February.
C#2.0 Code Refactoring. [WWW]. April 2017.
MICROSOFT. 2015. Developer Network.
Refactoring (C#). [WWW]. April 2017.