
This was a project to develop a Linux distribution for use within the NHS, which lasted for roughly a year, between January 2017 and January 2018. It was discontinued after the developers were threatened by the Department for Health with legal action over the use of the NHS 'trademark'. This was after the developers had already renamed the distribution from 'NHSbuntu' to 'NHoS'.
However, the information, scripts, configurations and other project materials to recreate the distribution are still available on GitHub (see the links below).

Identity Agent

Full Disk Encryption

This capability is included as standard in the default Ubuntu distribution.

Resources and Further Information

NHoS Debian packages: https://packagecloud.io/NHoS/
NHoS @ GitHub: https://github.com/NHoS-project
NHoS Open Health Hub Site Copy: https://github.com/nhos-project/nhos.openhealthhub.org
NHSbuntu SmartCard Debian packages: https://packagecloud.io/nhsbuntu/nhs-smartcards
NHoS Identity Agent (Python Scripts): https://github.com/nhos-project/nhos-nhs-identity-agent